T: H. Peeters
ET: Lori Spee
M: Herman van Veen
Marnix Dorrestein

jaar: 2012

We didn't have a clue to how it goes.
We simply did things because that's what you do.
We made a point or two, sometimes read a book,
just to honor that ideas didn't perish.
Just to honor that ideas didn't perish.

We forged ahead because you must go on
or got entangled in an unexpected glance,
for glances do exist where something is expressed,
especially when expressing what we longed for.

We brought about and also rounded off
but what was set in motion often took a different turn.
We charted courses and slowly we would learn
that things can happen which cannot always be foreseen.

We finally left when it became so very clear
that what was unforeseen could never be reversed,
We left behind what we embraced at first
and searched for what had left us so alone.
And searched for what had left us so alone.

verschenen op:

* For a Kiss (2012)