T: Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger ET: Lori Spee M: Herman van Veen Edith Leerkes |
August sun |
jaar: 2011 (1941) |
Just like a symphony in green pulsed through with light and scent and sheen the meadows wander through the hills alive with color from the flowers' dance. The pathways stretch out in the wind and all the birches bow and bend. And should the gardens be deserted, I will have them all to myself. The benches are waiting there, the grass is swaying in the breeze, the sky seems close enough to feel and flocks of birds are winging south. And all the world has been submerged in smiles and in loneliness and everything is draped in gold and one lone magpie cries. verschenen op: * Songs in the distance (2011) * |